
I haven’t posted in while, so I thought now would be a good time to inform you of what I’m doing. Most of the time I’ve either been working on the History Project or spending my time outside or spending it with Jess.
The history Project is almost complete. All the group has to do is write a letter to Mr. Brown outlining, more specifically, what we’re doing down at the waterfront. The presentation has been completed. Now we just have to figure out how we are going to teach it to the first and third period classes. We are either going to teach it ourselves to the classes or send it to the teachers of the classes. Finely the clues and questions, that will be on the cards, are completed and will be laminated sometime this week or next. So there’s an update on the history Project.

For the last four days the weather has been outstanding, but the weather’s about to get worse. Late tomorrow afternoon we are expected to get rain all the way through till Sunday morning.

W.J. Fricker’s annual Variety Night is coming up. This year I’m in charge of all the technical equipment, including sound and lighting. I’m hoping to get Dillon in to do the sound because he has done it three years in a row. I’ll be in charge of all lighting. The tech crew at Fricker are to say, clumsy and the teachers don’t want all the new equipment broken. If you would like tickets, feel free to e-mail me at The date for the performance is May 4, 2006.

So thats what I’ve been up to for the last few weeks and will be doing for the next couple.