More Life

Well, it has been another busy week. I’m so glad tomorrows Friday and it’s a long weekend.

Every day in all my classes it just seems to get dummer and dummer. English and History aren’t so bad but Math class is the worst. Today our teacher toled use we were only aloud one person at a time and we had to sign in and out kinda like we did in grade 4. By the way I’m in grade 10.

Computer class… well lets just say I’m never going to take a course like that again. Next week we get to learn how to install Windows 98 ©, which I think by now I can do blinded folded and my hands tied behind my back.

Well that is about it for now, see ya later.

Last week

For the last week, I’ve been very busy with school work. Between Math, English and Computer class, the homework load has been a little insane. I won’t have a chance to update any web site stuff this weekand because Jessica has dance, and she wants me to go see her. I promised her that tomorrow I will spend the whole day with her and I plan to keep my promise. Enjoy your weekend all.


Well Variety Night was a huge success! There were no explosions and the fire department didn’t have to put out any uncontrollable flames. But really, the whole show went very well with no major problems. Besides bad organization.

There was are comedian to fill in for the major setups between special acts like gymnastics, where we had to set up all matts. The only one that had problems was the rock band, which I have to say it was not very good at all. The bass player went through the whole song, knowing that his amp wasn’t working. When really, all he had to do was turn up the volume on his bass. For act 17 it was a guy that was about four foot nothing and played the bass. His bass solo was better than the whole rock band! The third last act was a class dance and was all done with blacklight. The whole gym was pitch black except for the white glow of the sewn on bones of the dancers. It was probably one of the most creative dances of the whole show. The last act was the teachers dance. It was the most funniest dance there was. It was based on the W.J. Fricker teachers at a retirement home. All the teachers on stage were dressed up as elderly people and it’s was a very good laugh for the audience and students. The show ended early this year, by 8:45 the show was over. Last year show lasted for 3 1/2 hours and the year before that  it was 4 hours. This year I got to bed before 11:30, unlike last year’s 1:00 am.

Of course I’ve been invited back next year to do all the equipment stuff for the annual W.J. Fricker, Variety Night. And I can’t wait!


Well this Thursday is W.J. Firckers Annual Variate Night. Dillon and my self are doing all the tech stuff this year once again. Dillon is running all the sound related equipment and I’m running all the lighting equipment.

On Wednesday were going early after school, around 2:00pm, to setup all the equipment for the dress rehearsal. About a 2 hour job crammed into 1 hour. There are 6 wireless mic’s and 2 wired mic’s that require XLR cables to the mixer. I’m also bring in a amp and speaker for a stage monitor. The sound in the gym is very very bad.

Well I’ll get some pictures and post them up later on enjoy!


Last week I updated the Guestbook. I now have an admin panel and also improved the database. I’m going to work more on the code next weekand after V-night.