Regular Life

Well I havn’t posted in a while. I havn’t been busy just enjoying the nice weather and lots of school work.

Our History class does a tutorial type of setup. Every one is in a group with a max number of people of 4. I have presented once already and got a 80% on the overall presentation but I’m doing a second on with 4 people for bonus marks. We are doing the topic of, The History of North Bay. We have three day to teach the topic and mark all the work that students do. We are planing a field trip, for about 100 students, down to the Water Front. We are doing a scavenger hunt from the Chief Commanda 2 to Le Park. We are going to have 20 stations for 20 groups. Each group will start of at a diffrent station. Each station will have a question about North Bay’s History and a corisponding letter. People will then write down there answers on a peice of paper and write down the corrisponding letter. At the end, students will have 20 letters to figure out what the letters spell. Then at lunch they will all hand in there sheets with the answer, then we will mark them while students are having lunch. After that we will then head back to school for period five.

So there is our plan. The teacher and principal have already aproved of it, now we just have to get it all ready.

New Hosting

Well after the third server crash at my old hosting, decided to go for something other than free. This site is now hosted at 1and1 web hosting Here is what they offer…

  • Web Space: 5 000MB
  • Monthly Transfer: 250GB
  • Server side: PHP3, PHP4,PHP5
  • MySQL: (latest) 100MB (up to 10db’s)
  • Included Domain Names: 1
  • E-mail: SMTP & POP3 500 e-mails

Click here for more info.

So far the hosting has been great. It’s only taken 24 for the DNS to change. There may be some down times in the future due to being transferred from to 1and1.

Hopefully, next month I will have the forum online!

If you are looking for information on making the right decision about hosting your website, see this article from

More… Snow

Well, I hate winter. So I thought I would go out side and take some pictures of it.

Here is one looking in my backyared.

Here is the front of my house. (Be side the big tree)


Here is the snow bank in front of my house.


Here’s a picture of my girl friend standing next to the snow bank, the back is about 6 feet now.


As you can tell winter is till going to be around for a wile. Witch does suck! lol enjoy the pictures.

Welcome to Blake Well after purchasing this domain about 2 months ago I have finaly found hosting. has a free web hosting package. It was very easy to setup a “already owned” domain.

  • 100MB disk space
  • 3GB bandwidth
  • 3 POP3 e-mails & Webmail
  • Free 24/7 technical support
  • PHP, Perl/CGI-BIN
  • MySQL database
  • FTP access
  • Web-based file manager
  • Small banner

For more info Click here. If you have any questions or problems with this site, e-mail me at