PHP 5 &

I know two posts in one day might be a little much but this one I felt i should make you aware of. As most of us know still hasn’t started using PHP5 by default. This little hack you add to your sites root .htaccess file. If you don’t have one… create one then just past this code in. Make sure all software you have installed on your server will run PHP 5.

AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php

Would like to thank Scott for this one.


Edit: This is an old post. now has PHP5 by default.

People on the Internet

You know there is allot of great helpful people on the Internet. But there are also some who are careless and really shouldn’t be aloud on the Internet. A friend I know from MyBB’s Community (DrPoodle) has made a site specially for a individual named “DrSmall”. He is the finest example of the true ass holes on the Internet.




It is pink and is not a “hate” site but more of a quote site. Enjoy!

Blogging with Windows Live Writer

I’m writing to you from a very cool program that the people over at Windows Live just released. Windows Live Writer is a easy to use blogging tool. It allows you to blog from any location weather you have a Internet connection or not. It gives you all the functions of the normal writing box but it has a much nicer GUI then the web based one.

The software doesn’t come with any spy ware or anything you have to worry about.

Another cool feature of this program is it has the capability to add Official plug in to improve your blogging experience.

Writer is defiantly a keeper. Anyone wanting to post to WordPress, and many other blogging software, Windows Live Writer is for you!


Today at 6:00PM Apples new iPone will be released in all AT&T stores. I have been hearing alot about it in the many Podcasts and Video Cast. Yesterday Cranky Geeks had a few things to say about the new iPone.


Personally I think there $700+ price tag is more then what I want to spend on a cell phone. Now this thing is a whole lot more than just a cell phone. It has a great web browser, GPS and a whole lot more. Have look at the specs.

I don’t think I will be buying one soon but mabey after a few months I’ll look into getting one. I hope that will have a review on it. I’ll post about the iPone again when more is learned after today�s 6:00 PM launch date.

New Theme

Well as most of you can see I have changed the theme on the blog and on the forum. I Have changed some of the graphics on the forum to mach the blog’s green. I will do a few more changes on the forum background to make the lighter black on the blog. Enjoy!