Microsoft Office 2007

Well I have gotten my hands on a copy of Microsoft Office 2007. I have to say my first impression was “What the hell have they done with the GUI?” But after navigating around a little wile I started to really like the new menues. Microsoft has made it easy to format documents and move things around. Most features in work you had to go digging for, but now it’s right there infront of you.


PowerPoint has also gone over the same changes as Word.

The guys at Microsoft have actualy lisned to what we wanted in Outlook. First the naviagation is much easyer and they have added a RSS reader into the program. Very Slick!


Another cool application that is now included in Office 2007 is called Microsoft Groove. This program alows a group of people working on a project to edit files on a open area instead of sending e-mail and such. Please watch this demo for more infomation on how it works.

Office OneNote is also a very nice program. It can basicaly be a note taking binder. To bad it isn’t fesable to have this for a high school kid. Can’t wait to get to College to try it out. 😛


Well I’m off to the 5th annual King of The Hill drag races. I’ll be posting some pictures when i get back!