Snow Storm and Pre-Christmas

Last night, North Bay got a large amount of snow in a 8 hour period. We went from having no snow to having about 2 feat of snow. Needless to say ever one was unprepared. 12 hours after the storm, I finally got my parents snow blower to start. Boy was there a lot of snow.

Tonight I had the digital camera out here are a few pictures of what it looks like in my hood.

pre-christmas-012.jpgHouse from  neighborsHouse 2Mirrors

My parents also purchased a new 50″ Panasonic Viera TV. The thing is huge and was a evening project to get up on the wall. All the wires aren’t run through the wall yet. Me and my dad are going to be doing that after Christmas due to the fact were going to have to tare part of a wall down to do it. O well, it’s still nice to watch TV on. More pictures.

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For presents this year I have already got my dad, mom and sister something but now I got to find something for Jess. It’s going to be a difficult challenge.