What do you cary?

Well I thought I should make a post so I decided it would be about my laptop. 😛 Well for the last 2 days I have been bring my laptop to school. It’s very handy to have insted of using the schools computers. Anyways I’v found my self caring around quite a load in the laptop case case. I got 3 eathernet cables (one 25′ and two 6′), D-link 604 router, router power supply, Thumb Drive and laptop power supply… O yeah and my laptop. 😛

Your next question is, “Why does Blake have all this?”.

Router: Because you never know where you want to have a LAN party.

25′ Eathernet Cable: In case you get hungry and don’t feel like switching from CAT5 to wireless just to go to the kitchen.
“Whats next?” Well I got a 12V battery here. I’m thinking of finding a 12V to 5V transformer so I can have a LAN party without having to worrie about plugs. 😛

And my girlfriend thinks I’m nuts… I think not!