Well since Tuesday I have been working at Malcolm Wallace Auto repair. I hate it. My Parents want me to have a summer job but I don’t want to have one that’s full time. But really I don’t want one at all. It has been boring all I do is stand there and watch the other 2 guys work on vehicles and try to help where I can. Sweeping the floor just isn’t what I want to do all summer so I think I’m eather going to quit or just take a part time job. But who knows, I’ll just have to wait till next week.
King of the Hill Dragway!
This weekand was the annual King of the Hill drag races here at North Bay’s Air Port. Of cores I went on Saturday just because I only like the elimination rounds. Friday night they have time trills where people racing, get to get the cars up to snuff for the 1/8Th of a mile drag track. One of the biggest races were the jet cars. See the post below for the first car “Beast from the East”.
Unfortunately I never got to see the second car because when the first one went for it’s run he had problems and the car rolled over at the end of the track. The guy was fine except for the fact that he had a broken arm.
My Nabour Rob was racing his 2004 Mustang V8. Unfortunately in his first round of eliminations, he beet his own time and he was out. Although he did do a kick ass burn out before his run.
All in all it was a great weekand and I leave you with some of the street class and Semi-pro cars
Just to let people know about the trucks. The was a few mostly from local construction company’s. The next picture is a quad axle setup (4 tires in the back). He also had a upgraded Turbo charger and a mod chip on board. It takes alot of power to spin a 1 tone pickup. O yeah and he beat the littel Honda by a mile 😀
6.06 KDE
Well last week I update my Ubuntu linux to 6.06 latest and greatest. 😀 Anyways, I was sick of Gnome as it has been causing problems ever since I installed it so just after updating I took the KDE plunge. So far so good. I love the GUI much better then Gnome. It does take a littel wile longer to start on boot up, but other then that it runs like a charm. Here’s a screenshot.
It’s realy great! I got my local weather down in the corner and my amaroK media track info there as well. So now I only use my Windows XP for gaming and other then that, every thing else I do is on Kubuntu. I recommend to try it. Who knows mabey you’ll like it!
I found out on the news that my grade 8 teacher (I had him for English 3 years ago) was charged and arested on Saturday for Sexual Exploitation and Luring a Child (internet). He was a good teacher but was always hyper and was funny but a lot of people found him… strange. For more info click here for the complete article. (Thanks to Baytoday.ca) A lot of people looked up to this teacher but some of the things he did was a littel weired like having his hole volleyball team sleep over at his house. Anywas my out look on it is I hope he goes to jail for a long time. I think internet predators are bad but I think pedophiles are even worse. Well theres my rant. Have a good day all!
More guestbook
Well, hopfully today I will be able to work on more of the code. I’m going to make a login system for the admin control pannel. Once I get that done then I’m puting it on hotscripts.com